Archive for September 15, 2006

One of the most disturbing things I’ve seen in a LONG time

Is “Potty time with Elmo.”

We figured our little charter member of EA would take a bit more kindly to the potty if his favorite little red monster was leading the charge. Little did we know that this DVD is SCARY. Isaac’s not scared of it….Doug and I are. Watching Gordon sing songs about the names you call pee and poop…and Elmo’s dad singing “It’s potty time!” is just more frightening than seeing the bear potty time DVD. Yes, Beth and Jason…this is scarier than Shadow. Trust me.

Results of viewing 1?

me: “Isaac- want to try the potty?”
Isaac: “Potty?”
Me: “Yep, potty.”
Isaac “No want potty!”
(I change child into pajamas and backhandedly sit child on potty….)
Isaac: “All done!”
Me: “Ok. Good try.”

(30 seconds later…peeing on FLOOR of bathroom!!!)

me: “You put that in the potty, Isaac!”
Isaac: “Bye bye potty!”

So ends potty training session #1. He dismissed the potty.

Ok..better luck next time. At least we got a 30 second sit before we got the “all done” commentary!

September 15, 2006 at 9:49 pm Leave a comment

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September 2006