Archive for October 13, 2008

Chutzpah. Serious Chutzpah.

So, I’m taking the 4th graders on a trip to a local art establishment for a photo taking-art making extravaganza. I had to ask for chaperones. The letter was clear as crystal. I’d take the first 2 in, and they had to have the stupid mandated child abuse training to go.

I got two parents right away.


Well, Friday, during class, a slew of kids were asking “can my mom come?” The best of these requests was this:

“Mrs. F, can my mom come? She saw the trip letter and wants you to teach her how to work her digital camera. She can’t get it to upload onto the computer and can’t get it to work on line. She also doesn’t know how to fix the pictures. She wants to come so she can learn all of that.”



Can we say Chutzpah?


I told her to have her mom call me or email me. So far, no calls or emails. But I’ll tell you, at least I’ve got the backing of “I already have 2 parents coming, and that’s all I can take…” on my side.

October 13, 2008 at 8:14 am 1 comment

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October 2008