Archive for January, 2010

So, I joined a gym…

I swear, it sounds like a good set up line, doesn’t it? Well, for me, it probably is.

Planet Fitness ran a deal this week where it was 1.00 down and 10.00/month with no contract, ect. I can get behind that. I’ve been looking for a place to go ever since we parted ways with the local Y for reasons that were totally personal.

So, I went for my first workout the other day, and this guy asked me for the time. Ok, fine. I’ll bite. Gave him the time, although I noticed about 3 very large clocks in eyeline, but I know how much of a space cadet I can be, so I humored him.

I zipped upstairs and grabbed a treadmill and started a decent paced walk. I see this guy come up the stairs and hop on the eliptical next to my treadmill. He starts up a conversation with me. Oh, my. Save me.

WELL, the long and short of it was he tried to PICK ME UP. Best pick up line ever?

“So, do you live with your parents?”


I asked him what time he usually came to the gym for no other reason than the times I know to avoid…so I don’t run into him. Then, I went downstairs and proceeded to go and stretch.

seriously. What am I? An oddball magnet?

January 10, 2010 at 10:42 pm Leave a comment

a new adventure…

a while ago, a few friends of mine got involved in something called Project 365. This is where you take a photo a day all year to really chronicle your life.

I like to chronicle my life and musings here, but I figured this would be a fun, new challenge for me. So, instead of overloading this space (where all of my verbal spewage goes), I opened up a new place for my Project 365 photos.

Come visit and see my photo of the day at my project 365 home!

and if this gets bumped down too far by my musings, because it’s almost IEP time…and you know how well that goes down around here, I’ll have it up on its own page…

come visit…see my crazy life in photos. Some days, you won’t believe your eyeballs!

January 6, 2010 at 11:47 pm Leave a comment

And you teach parenting?

This morning, I was going through my email, and a digest from a group I belong to came through. They highlighted some posts of the week, one being “My Daughter hated all her gifts!”

The train wreck drama lover in me (sorry-I was one of those college students who watched Jerry Springer in the commuter cafe during lunch..I do love a good train wreck. What’s a train wreck? Something you know you shouldn’t look at, but you can’t bring yourself to look away.) decided that I should click on it. I did and came up with this article about how her young child had a tizzy fit because the gifts weren’t just right, even though they were the ones she asked for. This little thing even threw toys across the room. Mom, in her ultimate wisdom, hugged the child, put the toys away for a time when she was in a “better space to deal with dissappontment” and then proceded to chat with her child about how when you get a gift you don’t want, you say, “Thank you, but I don’t want this.”

Excuse me? Thank you, but I don’t want this? WHAT?

Whatever happened to being gracious, kind and enjoying the fact that you got a gift!

This little so and so, with her mom’s permission, even made a “return pile” of gifts from her grandmother.

How wrong is that?

The saddest part is that this parent not only teaches parenting classes, but advocates a “less plastic” lifestyle, where you cut down on the material things in your life. How can you teach a child to look past the superficial, when you’re teaching them that “I don’t want this” or a return pile for gifts is perfectly acceptable? I don’t know, and I don’t get it.

We’ve taught Isaac that it’s ok if he doesn’t like something, but you say “thank you” and then we talk about it later when the person who gave the gift isn’t around.

I just can’t believe that people follow this woman and her “teachings” and are all sorts of ok with this whole thing.

Me? I’m disgusted.

January 4, 2010 at 10:40 pm 1 comment

Cool stuff

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January 2010