Posts filed under ‘ECEC’

Hey! You forgot me!!

That’s Isaac’s favorite line lately.  And you’d think it was true. How could I forget about my little Monkey starting school again?


Well, we’re two weeks in, and he’s doing all sorts of well. I was right to push for the integrated room. Seriously right. The teacher sends home notes that he’s had a great day…and we’re all gearing up for the first field trip.  Yes, the teacher said it would be low key..but come on. First times are first times!


So, as per tradition, I took my little Monkey on the first day of school, being SPECTACULARLY late to the first staff meeting of the year. Yeah. I walked in during Mass. (Remember..I work at a Catholic school..) Nice, huh?


But I also did one extra thing this year. I took a photo. This is the last year that Isaac will be at this school. We’re all gearing up for the tears in June, because it’s been one heck of a ride…but we’re not thinking about that now…


So, here’s my Monkey on the first day of school…

Isaac on the last first day of ECEC-Look at that grin!


See? Who could even think of forgetting that face.

September 16, 2008 at 10:54 am 1 comment

Day 1

Yesterday was official move up day at ECEC. It’s quite the chaotic affair…kids moving into new classrooms, new kids taking the spots that the old kids vacated…it’s just one 30 minute disaster.

So,yesterday, I decided, because Isaac was one of those moving kids, that I would do a pick up and drop off. I knew it was chaos today, and I didn’t want the staff to have to deal with his “you forgot me!!” stuff that he’s been pulling when we try to go places without him. It just wasn’t fair, as I had a feeling that there would be lots of tears from other kids and lots of crap attacks from other kids…and they don’t need Isaac to have those. Trust me.

So, I didn’t let him take the bus. I think this was more for me than him. Really, I do.

I’m totally having a hard time with my baby moving up to the “big kid” room, and doing real pre-k things. I’m having a hard time with my baby moving from the room he’s been in (with 5 different teachers) for 2 years and over across the hall.

Isaac on the other hand, is the picture of adjustment. No fits, no accidents and he just loves to be in the Kids’ Caboose, as the teacher in there calls the room.

Wonder what the next few weeks will bring. I hope it stays good…

July 8, 2008 at 6:05 pm Leave a comment

Nothing says “thank you” like a roll of duct tape.

So, here is the offical end of another school year for Isaac. With this, comes the annual discussion/purchases/ect about how to say thank you. The school sends out a list, and this year’s list was the usual end of the year stuff…contact paper, batteries, printer cartridges, blank cd’s, ect. I swear there were some cleaning products, but I forgot the list when I went to Target Boutique, and had to rely on my memory and Doug’s memory.


Stop laughing. It was not my preferred strategy. I’m not trusting my overtired, over caffinated brain,a nd my husband’s lack thereof.

So, I head off to Target, with a game plan in mind.  I grab a cart, knowing one of the items is on the larger side…and start my shop. I head over to the first item we both agreed to grab. Duct tape. Yes, they asked for DUCT TAPE. So, I’m standing over the duct tape thinking “this is just how I wanted to thank the awesome staff in this room for 2 years of dealing with my son. A roll of duct tape.” So, I call Doug.

The conversation went something like this:

me: Ok. I dont’ know if I can do this duct tape thing. It just seems so wrong.

Doug: Why?

Me: This is JUST how I wanted to thank them for putting up with Isaac for 2 years. Thanks! Here’s a roll of duct tape! Nothing says “THANKS!” like a roll of duct tape!

Doug (Laughing): Ok…but duct tape is totally useful!

me: I know, but there’s got to be something else on the list that we can add to this. I just can’t give them a roll of duct tape…

Doug: Ummm..I know there were blank DVD’s on the list and batteries.

me: I hate getting batteries.

Doug: WELL??

Me: wasn’t there snap on lidded containers of any size?

Doug: I think so.

me: So, I’m also thinking I saw baby wipes?

Doug: Definately.

Then the phone cut out. Dang Target.

So, I grab a plastic tote, a huge pack of refill wipes and then I toss in the duct tape.

I guess that’ll do. It’s hard to say thank you to people who have made such an impact on not just one small 4 year old, but with everyone he interacts with, from neighbors, to friends to everyone else in his crazy world.

So, I guess in truth, nothing says “thanks” more than duct tape that will maybe help another kid and family.

June 19, 2008 at 9:37 pm 1 comment

Teacher presents achieved!

So, Thursday, Doug and I were wandering around the one local mall-you know the one with LL Bean. As we walked, we were debating 2 things…first-do I go into the Christmas Tree Shop and get those paper lanters for my craft/study, and second,w hat the heck are we going to do for those 6 teachers?

We first had this great idea for movie gift cards and then some popcorn, but as we found out, no one, but no one is doing 5.00 cards! Cripes…a movie at said mall at night is 10.00! This is why we go to the one by our house. It’s significantly cheaper.

So, we’re wandering around, talking it over, debating, and who knows what else…and we stumble by Bath and Body works. They are having a SALE. Now, anyone who has been by a Bath and Body works sale knows that when they have a sale, they have a SALE.

So, we’re wandering around the store and wandering around the store,a nd we stumble upon the “item of the week,” which was the Wallflowers– right in our price range…5.00 each, and in a variety of scents!

So, we grabbed 6 of them…one for each teacher, in 6 different fragrances. We’re including nice notes, and if they want to swap fragrances, tehy totally can.

So, we got something that works for us. I”m beyond thrilled.


Now, to wait for the dang list of what they need for the classroom!

June 7, 2008 at 2:52 pm 2 comments

Last night, at Isaac’s school function…

He was greeted by his new Speech Therapist A, with the battle cry of “Hi BUDDY! JULY 7! YOU AND ME! YOU’RE MINE!!!!!”

No, she’s not ready to get her hands on him and get him all squared away in the other classroom!

Last night’s parent function was all about “eating healthy with your kids” and how easy it was to eat whole grains, sneak veggies into your child’s diet, ect.

Doug and I kept whispering to each other “Well, Isaac will eat that…we don’t have to hide that…”

It was quite the surreal experience, when other parents were saying “my child will NEVER eat that..” and here we are with the eat everything child.

So, on the way home, Isaac was eating his 3rd pinwheel chunk (whole wheat tortilla, cream cheese, spinach and carrots), and I broke out a bottle of diet citrus green tea. I started hearing muttering in the back seat, but couldn’t make it out…and the muttering got louder…and more intelligble…

until I finally heard it…


so, I turn around and see the big grin…and pass back my tea. Give him a few seconds and then ask for it back…

and this is how the conversation went…

me: “can I have my tea back?”

Isaac: “this isn’t tea. It’s a drink.”

Me: “Fine. Can I have my drink back?”
Isaac: “No. I’m drinking it!”

Figures doesn’t it?

June 5, 2008 at 7:16 am 1 comment

Why buy when you can make it?

Last night, I made a trip to Linens n things, because the store by my house is closing. I figured I’d get some good deals for the craft/study and possibly pick up a cheap set of twin sheets for the Monkey.

WELL, right now the basic sale is 10% off. Yeah, not so good.

Especially when I wanted a few floor cushions for the craft/study because I study best on the floor. Yes, I’m weird that way. Y’all should know that by now.

I found an awesome floor cushion…

Here-no, I was not purchasing pink. I was purchasing the “kiwi” color to go with my room. Well, at 10% off, not such a hot deal, so I decided to head over to Target. Nothing that I wanted there, except I found the sheets were cheaper…even not on sale…so, at a loss for my floor pillows, I wandered into JoAnn fabrics, where I figured I’d at least get some inspiration…and just generally wander around the store for a few minutes.

WELL, what do I see when I approach the fabric section? SOMEONE GETTING NUBBY MINKY CUT! Alas, she was getting PINK minkee cut. Ick. Pink, puke, blah, ick. She also had a green knd of “stripey” minkee. So, that made me wonder…if there was puke pink colored nubby minkee, there had to be a few other colors. So, I wander back and lo and behold…I find GREEN NUBBY MINKEE!!!!!!!! Oh, for joy! For joy!

So, I grab the bolt of fabric…and grab 2 throw pillow forms…and they’re big-and it’s a 2 pack!

and get 2 yards of fabric cut…and off I go…

and while I’m wandering around with the bolt of fabric, I run into a woman who was pretty blah along with me with the prices in Linens n things. She was wandering around JoAnn too…and asked if I was going to MAKE the pillow covers-and I told her I did..and she was floored. Especially when she found out I was just your average run of the mill barista-almost-nursing student, and not a professional.

So, today, I’m making minkee pillowcases for my floor pillows. Woohoo!



A short request here-

One of Isaac’s schoolmates died on Monday. He was in one of the other classrooms, but they often combine for special events, and Isaac did know him. He had been fighting several conditions since birth, and was put into hospice care late last week. Monday, very early, he became the heavens’ newest star. His Mom and Grandparents can use all of the prayers, love and all of that good stuff sent their way that they can get.


June 4, 2008 at 7:51 am 1 comment

How do you say “Thank you”

This is my question of the past few weeks.


With Isaac’s time in his current classroom coming to a close after 2 years, how do you really thank the staff in there? I know they ask for classroom gifts, but putting up with the Monkey’s trailer trash for 2 very long years seems to require something a bit more special for each teacher/therapist.

So, I’m totally at a loss. Here’s the rundown of who I need to get things for:

1. Head Teacher T. She’s amazing, and she’s a first year teacher going back to Grad School to get her Master’s. She’s amazing. Just absolutely amazing…and she’s kicked Isaac’s tush from here to Kansas…and he loves her.

2. Speech Therapist C. She’s been with him for 2 years…and he loves her…and she’s really taken him from nothing to verbal spewage. Isaac adores her. We hear her name non stop.

3. Occupational Therapist P. Another 2 year survivor with Isaac. They’ve got sort of a rocky relationship, because she’s as tough as nails, but really knows what she’s doing. She makes him WORK. She’s made amazing progress with the little weirdo and has really backed us up on some things…and was severely left out to dry by the other 2 at one point, and I still feel terrible about that. But, she’s amazing.

4. Aide S. She’s another one we hear non stop about. She’s really good and is a coffee junkie. She’s new to the room this year, but has really made an impact on the little Monkey.

5. Aide D. Came in at the mid way point of the year, but really is a doll. We love her to death, even though she can be a bit scatter headed. She really knows how to make Isaac stop his garbage…and do what she wants him to do.

6. Aide MJ-She left for back surgery mid way through the year…and Isaac STILL talks about her. She was with him from the moment he entered the school…and he still wants to see her and show things to her. The kick is he talks and talks and talks about her at home, but blows her off at school!! What a kid! She won’t be back until September, possibly. It depends if her doctor will clear her-it was back surgery. We miss her dearly…she is just…well…MJ. They can get things to her for us.

We’re not doing anything for the Physical Therapist yet, because she’s got one more year with Isaac, as she’s the only one in the school.

so, that’s 6 people who we really need to say thank you to.

I’ve gotten the idea for gift cards…but where to? What for? What else?

How do you adequately say thank you to someone who has changed your child forever, for the better?



June 3, 2008 at 7:57 am 4 comments

IEP aftermath

Yesterday, we had Isaac’s IEP annual review. As y’all know, I’m not the CPSE chair’s biggest fan. I’m not the biggest fan of the Nisky schools IEP team either…but thank GOD ECEC is on our side…and as a team we push for what Isaac needs…

Well, the IEP was smooth, and quick and whoah mama…over in 20 minutes!! This is a FIRST!

So, let’s hit the highlights (and no, there aren’t any lowlights!)

  • Isaac is moving into the integrated classroom in the SUMMER, instead of wating until the fall! This is for a few reasons. First, his teacher is leaving in JUNE instead of August. Yeah, I about hit the roof. This would make 4 teachers in 2 years for him. No, not a good thing,a nd then he’d be switchng in September? No. No. No. Second, the director found a spot for him! Woohoo!
  • Isaac has made SO much progress that the county person said she had to do a double take and make sure this was the same child that she had the report from last year! If we hadn’t mentioned integrated, she would have mentioned and pushed for it.
  • With this comes a decrease in therapy. We’re entering the phase of more group sessions to get him ready for kindergarten. This summer, he’s getting therapy for “maintenence” and in the fall, it will increase again, but we’re dropping some speech therapy.
  • Olive Foster was actually quite nice, and kind of rolled with what we wanted. Wonder if 3 IEP’s of dealing with me (initial-with refined goals and updates and 2 annual reviews) has just said “Give this mom what she wants..”
  • We were in and out in 20 minutes
  • I was able to have a conversation with the director of the school regarding some things…

So, seing this fact and knowing that his program ends at 1, and my nursing school program ends at 2:30, we need to find some wrap care, because I can’t be home when he gets there…and Doug will be back working again.

Since the kids that are in the integrated program with Isaac come from the day care upstairs, the most logical thing would be to have him go to the day care upstairs for the afternoon. But, y’all know me, I like to do my homework and all of that. Well, I called a few places and got some very surprising reactions.

First, I was told by one, very snippily, that “We don’t take part timers.” and hung up on. What the…

Well, you just lost potential dollars.

Then, I called Kidz Korner, and explained the situation. I got the most unexpected reaction-panic. The person that I spoke to was extremely scared of a “special needs child” and had never heard of the school that Isaac attends before. Her voice had the “please don’t pick us, please don’t pick us” tone to it. It was sheer panic.  This was really off-putting, because she’s never met Isaac and despite all of my reassurances that he is as normal as they come with a few exceptions, she was attempting to get me not to choose her center. Her big line? “Well, we’ll have to see if we can accomodate your child’s special needs.”

If you have to think about accomodating a child with a mild language delay who wears AFO’s, can maneuver over all sorts of terrian, and is more of a normal 4 year old than anything else…then you don’t get my business.


Then again, do I really want to send my son to a place with multiple mispellings on their website? I think not.

April 30, 2008 at 9:55 pm Leave a comment

Thinking it all over

Fair warning: this is long. 

I’ve kind of kept quiet about a few things that have gone on around here, in regards to Isaac and his school. This is for two main reasons-first off, I’ve been generally happy this year with the teacher and he’s got the same therapists as last year, so there’s really no learning curve for all of us. Second, I’ve been too tired to really actively “be there” with the schooling for Isaac. With what’s gone on around here, with the month hospital stay, my medical drama and then Isaac being Mr. Clingbutt when Doug’s been gone, with good reason, I’ve been pretty hands off this year. I’ve kind of let them do as they please…

I called a meeting in December to discuss some things that I had some concerns about. I was pretty ok with the outcome of this meeting, until they started dropping the ball, and I stopped hearing from the usual suspects…OT and PT. PT, I understand, as she’s not only got the kids at the school, but she travels and does related services for kids who are NOT in the school. She’s only there a few days a week, and I don’t totally mind writing her a “How’s it going?” note. OT…well, she’s assigned to the classroom..There’s no excuse for not giving me a MONTHLY update. I’m not even asking for 1x/week anymore. I know what she does is fine, I know Isaac’s making progress, but it’s to the point where I’m really through not getting answers that I want, having 3/4 teachers/therapists on one page, and then having 1 completely different.

So, finally, when things were quiet (before all heck broke loose again…) I made a phone call. First off, I wanted to let Marsha know that I was NOT displeased with the therapy and curicculum that Isaac was recieving. I’m not. He’s made leaps and bounds. (For those who don’t know…when he started this program summer of ’06, he had 1 word…and he would have these terrible meltdowns because he couldn’t communicate to us. He was resulting to withdrawing from the situation because he was getting trampled by kids at his day care.) I’m just concerned that I’m not doing enough here.

People can say what they want, but as a Special Educator, I know how important carryover is, and how important it is to have the family work with the child as well to get as much progress as possible. I always found that it was the best when family AND school were on the same page.  This is where my brain is right now. I really want to help Isaac. I really want him to make the leaps and bounds that he’s made now even greater. I want him to be able to show that he is the smart, smart aleck, silly boy with the deep wells of knowledge that we see every day here.

So,back to the phone call that started this whole thing…

I had written a very simple note that said “Hi (OT and PT)! How’s Isaac doing? Is there anything we can do at home to help him progress?”

Don’t think that was out of line there…

so, the OT wrote back a whole list of things they are doing (with no suggestions) and the line started off with “When he is compliant…”

Huh. What? Head teacher, Speech Therapist and PT say nothing about his compliance. They all say he’s a joy and he’s having a great year…say what OT?

So, I have a long convo with OT the day of the emergency dentist incident. She says this:

“I’m working really hard to be Isaac’s friend…”

Again…say what?

I know my child is difficult some days (Ok, more than some), but when you have to work at being a child’s friend, and showing them that…it’s time to pawn the kid off on someone else. I know that well. There were kids I’d say “Not a chance” to in my classes, because I knew that it would be too much work for me to be even a semblance of civil. I know my limits.

So, I brought that in on Monday morning…because I also wanted to have words about them closing school so late on Friday…that was part of a contributor to our nuclear weekend.

So, I sit down with Marsha and Sara (social worker) and basically lay it all on the line. I also made it clear that I don’t want Isaac in his current room for a 3rd year. It would do him no good. I want him integrated. They agreed on the no current room for a 3rd year. As Marsha said, he’d be treading water.  She said she’d been thinking about this for a bit, and she knew the perfect room for him.  I said “Oh, not (insert integrated teacher at his current building’s name)’s room?”

She said “No. (insert name I’ve never heard before).”

I said “Who’s that?”

She said “She’s at Pine Bush.”

Wow. I was floored. Now, we’re not just talking classroom switch, we’re talking whole building switch.

Yes, Pine Bush is closer to E. Nowhere…a whole 12 minute drive vs. 20-25 in good traffic…and with no Starbucks stops to his current location.

BUT, it’s further from Mom and Dad, and if Doug is in Med again, I wouldn’t have the option of shooting over on my way home and picking him up, or dropping him off on the way down.

So, Marsha goes on and on and is extolling the virtues of this new teacher, creative, amazing music circle, would really mesh well with Isaac.

Ok, fine…

and now I’m worried. I was fine with this until the other day, when my overtired brain went into paranoia overdrive.

Why Pine Bush and not the classroom in his building? Is it more than a good fit for Isaac? Do they just want a quiet year with no parent nit picking the IEP, and being on the phone? Are they sick of Isaac? 

Then the rational part of my brain took over-and let me tell you, that’s been hard to find lately with all that’s gone down here.

Is the room at his building going to be overfull again? Is it going to be a completely bad mix for Isaac? Is Isaac better off at a new site-fresh eyes, and people who won’t take his garbage… Or maybe just to shake him up a bit? Isaac’s a lot like me…he may be too comfortable at the current site and not really on his game as much as he would be at a new site.

I’m going to view the new site on Wed. I’m apprehensive. A lot more apprehensive than when I took Isaac to visit his current site, because I knew the current site, and I knew how they operated. It was more for me to see how Isaac would fit in, and if he’d like it there or not. (No one breathe a word of that to Jill, our old coordinator!) I know no one at this site, and not sure what I think of it being on an elementary school campus, even though they have their own pod.

It’s a hard choice for me. I’ve said to a few people that if he didn’t get integrated through where he is now, that I’d find another program for him. It’s hard to decide what’s best. Full, new program or just new site, same files and things?

I don’t know. My brain is so full…and everything is rolling aorund in my head. It’s hard to know what’s best. It really is.

Ok..rambing over. I’ll know what I want on Wed, when I see the new-to-us site.

February 9, 2008 at 5:14 pm Leave a comment

What would you do?

First- before I get into the dilemma…I need to answer a question…

the class I’m teaching is for preschoolers (and infants on Fridays..) 2 days a week (Tuesday and Friday) and is a basic play and music class. We sing songs, do movement, do stories, all sorts of things.

So, here’s the dilemma…today I peeked into Isaac’s notebook,a nd noticed a note from the PT that we’re not too fond of. Turns out Isaac’s PT took a new job, and she’s taking Isaac’s 3 PT sessions a week over. We are NOT thrilled with this…and gotta love the notice…but oh, well on the notice bit. Happens.

So, I’m tempted to pull PT and put Isaac in private PT, or do I leave well enough alone, and keep hawkeyes on the PT?

 I know people come and go, but come on…in the past year, we’ve had 3 head teachers, a revolving door of aides, and even this year, we had one aide who never showed up for day one of work!

So, I need help here. My brain is so fried from all of the garbage that’s been going on here that I can’t see the forest through the trees. Help!

November 8, 2007 at 3:52 pm 3 comments

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