Archive for October 9, 2007

Reasons to bleach a tub and tub toys

This insane set of weeks just keeps going.

Yesterday morning, I had a pajama day all planned. Note the word PLANNED. I started to throw dinner in teh crock pot (lazy Laura here…) and realized as I tossed the pork roast in, that I had no onion soup mix…there was an empty box in the lazy Susan! EEEK! So, we HAVE to go out. Bah.

So I throw some clothing on the boy, and get myself ready for the shower. I forgot to clean up Isaac’s tub toys from the night before, so, I start doing that, and I see something move. Naah. Can’t be. I clean a few more toys, and see 2 beady, black eyes peering up at me.

Yes, it’s ANOTHER MOUSE!!!!

(insert string of profanity here.)

I go find Booger. I pick her up and bring her to the bathroom. She takes one look at the tub, and freaks out. I put her in the tub and say “GET THE MOUSE, YOU CAT OF LITTLE BRAIN!”

She freaks, jumps out of the tub and knocks me into the sink and goes flying downstairs.

Thanks, Boog. What an A-1 Mouser you are! (normally,s he’s really good…witness the game of mouse-pong she was playing with Jasmine a few weeks ago…)

So, I’m faced with the dilemma of how to get the mouse out of the tub, clean the tub and take a shower so we can have dinner at a decent hour.

It finally occurs to me to make the mouse uncomfortable so it’ll get in the bucket I have for it so I can dump it outside. So, I turn on the shower.

The mouse is wet, and seriously unhappy. So, it allows me to scoop it (I didn’t touch it) into a large playdough bucket and dump it into the garden.

I then bleached out the tub before I got in for my shower and seriously 409’d Isaac’s tub toys.

What’s even sadder about this entire situation is now, I do my “no rodent” dance and stuff every time I head downstairs. Every time the floor squeeks, I swear it’s a mouse.


the cats need to get on the stick and let the mice know that this is NOT the place to be.

October 9, 2007 at 7:26 am 1 comment

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October 2007