Archive for October 16, 2007

Mygym, take 3

Those of you who have been reading a while know of the Mygym debacle of a year ago and how we had this h-mongous credit and went back out of sheer “what are we going to do with Isaac so he doesn’t go postal on us”-ness. We were happy, and signed up for a 2nd session, even though we thought that we were just going to do the summer and walk away.

When you think that, DO IT.

Now, here we go with what brought me to this realization….bear with me. This is a ride.

1) Isaac’s favorite teacher left to go into the Navy. he left 3 weeks early. No explanation or goodbye was given. It was really kinda shady.

2) There was another special needs child in Isaac’s class. We’ll call her A. A had a rough start and she then had her special ed provider come and do class with her. A and her mother were given 1 week to turn A’s behavior around (even though the provider was there), or she was going to be asked to leave the class.  This is contrary to their policy. They say they welcome special needs kids.

3) FEE INCREASE!!! They think their idea of a “bonus” is 5.00 off the price! It went from 138 to 148 for 8 weeks, and they were giving 5.00 off? What the heck?

4)The assistant teacher was horrid. OMG. I am one of those people who give the benefit of hte doubt to all people and let them attempt to sort themselves out unless they do bodily harm to my son or endanger him in any way. The assistant teacher, V, was completely frustrated with Isaac, and A for that matter, as well as getting very snotty with us. I feared for my child’s safety on a few elements when she was running the show.

5)Special needs kids are targets (or at least it feels like that.) A and Isaac were targeted and their behavior was constantly the subject of bringing them back. There were other kids who acted worse than Isaac and A, and nothing was ever said. Even A’s mom and her Sped provider, M, said that they felt that Isaac and A were targets. Sad, isnt it?

6)When I called to finally complain about V, the owner turned the conversation from the entire reason I called (which was “V is really a huge reason we don’t want to come back”) to chastising me for Isaac’s behavior, although it’s only a 3 year old acting out because his world is upside down. Then, when I told her that the fee increase was also prohibitive, she said I could pay in installments…Gee..really nice. The conversation was useless. I got off the phone more frustrated then I went in.

7)If a child has a rough night, they get asked to bump down to a lower class. I had to argue with the owner that the class Isaac is in is perfect for him. He really needs the structure and the turn taking and all of that. He was perfect for that part of class. He had a rough circle time, and she had the nerve to suggest we go back tothe pell mell class we left. Yeah, right, that’s really happening.

B told me I should alert the media. I don’t know if I will. I think that blogging and hitting corporate with some of these issues, especially the targets on Special needs kids will be enough. Right now, we’re not going back. I think we’re going to do soccer or swimming. We can’t even fathom trying this a third time.

So, we’re finishing off the session next week, and we’re going to end it there. Isaac still asks for Gary (the teacher that left) and even though I told him and explained that Gary moved away (easiest explanation) he still wants him. We’ve got no ties anymore, and since we feel targeted as special needs kiddles, we’re just not gonna do it.

I hate when people feel the need to give you advice, target your child and not think you really know what’s best for your child.

Rant over.

October 16, 2007 at 10:27 pm 2 comments

Channeling my own Shii-Ann

Stupid, Stupid people!

(if you dont’ know who Shii-Ann is, go peek at any Survivor page…you’ll find her.)

So, my parents came back from Williamsburg, VA with one of our favorite treats in tow…Root beer. Now, they bottle the root beer in amber glass bottles with the words “ROOT BEER” on the cap-in all capital letters…just like that. I figured Doug would like a treat now that the dude can have some solid food, so I brought him two bottles.

One of the nurses thought I had brought him beer…of the alcoholic variety.

So did Colostomy.

ummm yeah…LOOK AT THE DANG BOTTLE Before you jump to a stupid conclusion!

Stupid, Stupid People!!!

October 16, 2007 at 8:12 am 2 comments

Another fast update

Doug is off the majority of the matrix. He’s down to 2 single IV pumps, because the dumb hospital can’t find a double pump. Bah! I’ll post a photo of the matrix soon, as soon as I offload my camera. Haven’t had a chance.

He’s got a wound VAC on. Basically, the short version of what this does (in English) is that it uses a suction to pull out all of hte fluid and bacteria in the open wound on his tummy. This will help close the wound and speed the healing time. It’s on for a few weeks, so it looks like when he comes home, he’s going to have this vac on. It’s not terrible. I got to watch them put it on,a nd got to see how seriously deep the wound on his tummy is. There are places that you can see internal sutures. Doug laughed at my oogling of the wound and said “Yes, dear. It’s an open wound. You’ve seen my intestines, I’ve seen your uterus. We’re even.”

If anyone’s interested, it’s really a neat thing…they pack the wound with sponges and then cover it with tegaderm…hook a tube up to it,and hook that tube up to suction. Turn ont he suction and all of the nastiness gets sucked out of the wound. It only gets changed 3x/week, unlike the last dressing he had, that got changed every 3 hours. ICK. Less irritation equals faster healing time.

There really arent’ any good pics of it, so I’ll see if Doug will let me take one. It’s a really neato system, and really hard to visualize without seeing it.

yes, the medi-dork has come flying out of me….

October 16, 2007 at 7:13 am 3 comments


Georgeanne brought up a great idea…

Who’s interested in a “Pushing Dasies” Knit-a-long?

You know, socks, gun cozies, sweater vets. things with a “calming stockinette stitch?”

October 16, 2007 at 6:57 am 1 comment

Cool stuff

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October 2007