Archive for October 11, 2007

and we’re moving up in the world

Or down in this case..but that’s a good thing.

Doug is moving out of ICU this evening! The nurse today said that he didn’t need them anymore, and dang skippy she’s right.

 He’s going back to C2 and almost where he was before. Just one room over.

NG tube comes out tomorrow (we think) and then food after that! WHOOPIE!!!

Princess Pretendtocare is leaving tomorrow. I told him to tell her that I don’t share my visiting time with bitches, and that she needs NOT to come over tomrorow morning. Stupid thing that she is.

Vapid and Colostomy are leaving who knows when. They need to GO HOME NOW and get out of my life.

October 11, 2007 at 9:45 pm 3 comments

A rare moment

Where everything is right with the world…

Tonight, Isaac and I tried a new place for dinner. Doug is notorious for his “old standards” and me, I’m all for adventure! So, since Doug was not with us (obviously), Isaac and I ventured over to LT’s Grill.

Warning-the portions are big here…but oh, so  yummy.

Not only was the food good, but our server fell in love with the Monkey. She brought him a Sherrif’s badge, a little squishy pig and just fussed and fussed over him!

Then, they had a bluegrass band playing. This is where my night got amazing. The band was so good. Isaac was captivated. Big time. He even took the waitress’ hand and pulled her over (she’s got a ton of siblings, so she loved every second of it, and it was slow at that she could.) to watch. I got up, moved our stuff, paid and we sat there for a good half hour 45 minutes just listening to the band. Amazing band. The leader, who played a mandolin, fell for the Monkey. He would play to him, let him strum his mandolin,a nd even gave him a guitar pick.

Isaac fell asleep in my arms, listening to bluegrass. Every time I tried to get him to leave, he wanted to stay and listen to more music.

Everything was right with my world. It was one amazing moment.

October 11, 2007 at 8:02 pm 1 comment

wow. She exceeded my expectations.

That title is serious sarcasm.

Doug’s sister, Princess Pretendtocare showed up today. She barely calls, unless he’s sick or something and she wants to show how much she cares. She forgot Isaac’s Birthday, Christmas and all of that happy jazz after going on and on and on and on and on about how holidays with family were SOOOOOOOOO important.


So, Princess Pretendtocare shows up at the hospital last night (they all thought they were special….weaseled their way in AFTER visiting hours. Figures from Vapid and Colostomy, doesn’t it? Princess Pretendtocare is just like them. Slimy.)and Doug has no clue why she’s here. Prolly just to make us think she cares.  We know the truth.

and again. Princess Pretendtocare faking caring and concern. Good thing she’s just an overblown secretary. She can leave her job and run around faking caring and concern. Not like us with REAL jobs who can’t do that.

Why did she have to show up too? It’s bad enough those two freaks had to fly out. Bah.

October 11, 2007 at 4:07 pm 1 comment

Cool stuff

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October 2007