Archive for December 16, 2007

So, it wasn’t the Santa Speedo what?

We had a kickin time anyhoo!

So, we went to Lark Street, and saw NOTHING. It was freakin freezing, so, we decided the Museum would be our best bet. Isaac’s NEVER been to the museum..because I felt he wouldn’t appreciate it…and well, I’ll get to the other thing. So, we park and walk in. The first thing I ask is “Where’s the Mastadon!!!???”  Why?

Let me explain….

Over in Cohoes, in the 1800’s, they were digging and found a COMPLETE mastadon skeleton…perfectly preserved. This HUGE thing spent years in the front window of the museum, and it was the neatest thing…well, a few years ago, they decided that they needed to move the Mastadon, because the elements of sun, heat and cold were getting to it,a nd would ruin it. So, they took it down, really restored it and then put it back together. I had no clue where they had put it,a nd it’s one of my favorite things in the museum.

Here’s more about it..and you can see the skeleton too!

We found the Mastadon…and I picked Isaac up and was telling him about it, and the docent was floored that I used Mastadon and not Elephant…and tusks and not horns…and we even got to see and feel a mastadon molar and a wolly mammoth molar to see how big they were. Isaac was FLOORED…and I was thrilled. We all learned new things. We also made Mastadon buttons, and met some really cool people…but you’ll hear more abotu that on Thursday…after Wordless Wed…You’ll see why….

Then, we went and visited Sesame Street…we have a set in our museum! We’re the official NYS museum, so we have stuff from alllll over NYS. Sesame Street is filmed in NYC, soooo…we’ve got 123 Sesame Street!

We also have a World Trade Center exhibit. Lots of artifacts, lots of stuff that really makes things almost surreal.

that’s right near the A-train subway car. Isaac loved that…

He played in Discovery Center, ran with mommy to see all of her favorite places in the Museum…(why I wouldn’t take him earlier. He wouldn’t have appreciated all of my favorite places…)

and was thrilled with it all. When we left, he told me he had fun, and wanted to go back. Yep, we’ll be back. The museum does all sorts of fun stuff on breaks, so we’ll be there…

December 16, 2007 at 7:27 pm 1 comment

Seven MORE random things about me

So, now, I”ve been tagged by Jendis, and since she feels the compulsion to learn 7 more insane things about me, I feel obligated to share.

SOOOO, here goes…

1) I cannot STAND pink. I wore the blasted color for 2 straight years in private school before I got smartly placed back in the public school system. No joke. Uniforms were pink, maroon and grey. Evil school uniforms….

2) I like frogs. Frogs are cool. We have 2 (as evidenced by the tank cleaning photos) African frogs and I realllly want a tree frog. Doug thinks I’m insane, but they’re CUTE!!! I used to stamp frogs on my student’s papers for good luck and during test time, I always gave them frog stickers. One year, I had a line up of like 20 kids who wanted the good luck frog stickers from me. They didn’t have me for homeroom, but were in other ones of my classes. It was quite the hilarious morning.

3) One of my favorite Disney Characters is Lilo. She’s just too much. I love her spunk and her desire to feed fish a peanut butter sandwich because if she gave the fish tuna, she’d be an abomination. My adress labels even have Lilo on them! (thanks angelforever!)

4) I sleep with a stuffed panda named Peabody.  Doug made him for me at Teddy Crafters in Santa Ana.

5) I really miss Ben and Jerry’s Bovnity Divinity. Yum. Chocolate ice cream with cows in it. That was my all time favorite ice cream.

6)I have to multitask. If I don’t multitask, I don’t get stuff done. If I attack one…thing…at…a…time I get bored and seriously…nothing gets done. I thrive on the pressure! Even when I’m in school, I tend to always have 2 windows running on my computer…one with a “fidget widget” and the other with my notes. It keeps me from going insane from non-multitasking.

7) I love puzzle games on the computer. I admit, I’m not terribly good at them, but I love them. I tend to get frustrated, and seriously annoyed…and stop playing them for a good long time. But, then I always go back or find a new annoying game that takes up my time. On my laptop as well as my desktop, you’ll always find a heap of these games. Keeps the mind sharp, ya know.

So, Here’s my tag. I figure if anyone feels compelled to do this, go for it. I’m not going to tag anyone specific…

December 16, 2007 at 5:47 am 1 comment

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December 2007